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This is our motto, this is our mission
this is DASIT Group.

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Diagnostic Solutions for the Laboratory Medicine

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Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Labware and Chemicals for Laboratories and Industry

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LAF instruments, isolators, fume hoods, industrial systems, ultrafreezers and laboratory forniture.



DASIT Group is an Italian private holding with full ownership of several manufacturing/distribution companies operating in the IVD (In Vitro Diagnostics) laboratories of public and private entities, of industrial and academia research centres as well as serving Quality Control and production industrial sites.

DASIT operates in the Italian In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) market.

CARLO ERBA Reagents, an historical brand in  the research and industrial laboratory , manufactures  chemical reagents and distributes labware and equipment both for Italian and foreign markets.

FASTER, commercially linked  with CARLO ERBA Reagents, is a  leading manufacturer of high technology instruments for air treatment (Laminar Air Flow equipment  and molecular and chemical Fume Hoods) and cold management, as well as laboratory furniture.

DASIT Group coordinates corporate activities: HR management, finance and administration, logistics and regulatory affairs.

The main strengths of DASIT Group are the deep knowledge of its markets of reference and the ability to provide a global service that entails quality and efficiency.

DASIT Group logo is characterized by a “D” composed of convergent parallel lines: on the one hand it evokes the origins of the group, on the other hand it indicates the capability to optimize resources and create synergies.

DASIT Group logo is an  integral and indivisible part of the graphic feature of each controlled company.

All brands of controlled companies are registered; therefore, their reproduction is forbidden without the explicit consent  of DASIT Group S.p.A.

DASIT Group coordinates for itself and for its subsidiaries the areas of management HR, training, promotion and communication, finance, controlling and administration, logistics and regulatory activities.



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